Worldwide Sourcing

From China and Vietnam, to Cambodia, Indonesia and beyond, we connect you to a diverse range of markets. With our well-chosen suppliers, we ensure your unique needs are met with excellence. 

Discover a World of Sourcing Opportunities

Some examples of our product category

At SVI Global, we take pride in offering an extensive range of product categories, making us your gateway to unparalleled sourcing opportunities. Our diverse portfolio ensures that we can meet your unique needs with precision and efficiency.

Explore some examples of our product categories below. This is just a glimpse of what we can offer. We invite you to send us your sourcing inquiries and discover how we can help you find the perfect solutions for your business.

Worldwide Sourcing Offices

SVI Global operates with a strategic network of sourcing offices spanning key locations worldwide. From China to Vietnam, Korea to Malaysia, Indonesia and Mexico, our presence in these international hubs ensures top-quality product sourcing and procurement and connects you with the best suppliers and manufacturers.

Whether you’re looking to source products from China or other strategic sourcing destinations, we have you covered.

Global Sourcing Management

Got a need to level up your global sourcing? Explore SVI Global’s comprehensive solutions for getting the best deals.

✔ Price Negotiation: Getting the Best Value

We excel in price negotiation to ensure that you get the best value for your products. Our team of savvy negotiators ensures you not only get top-notch products but also at competitive prices that won’t break the bank.

✔ Vendor Auction: Competitive Bidding

We secure the most favorable terms and conditions for your business. By pitting suppliers against each other in a healthy competition, we ensure you get the sweetest deal possible.

✔ Shopping Around at Fairs: Hunting for Hidden Gems

Trade fairs and exhibitions are a treasure trove of opportunities. Our team of sourcing experts will shop around to find new and great suppliers and products that give your business the edge it needs to shine.

✔ Monthly Cost Trend Tracking: Staying Ahead

With our monthly cost trend tracking, we keep a close eye on market trends, providing you with up-to-date insights on price movements and cost trends.

Expand Your Supplier Base Across Asia and Mexico Today

Are you ready to broaden your supply reach? Partner with SVI Global’s extensive network of factories to enhance your supply chain resilience.

Submit a sourcing request to us now, and we’ll respond within 24 business hours.

Get in Touch

Send us a message, we’ll get back to you within 24 business hours.


Reading Club

The goal of SVl Reading Club is to READ, THINK, and ENJOY. 

Club members will explore a shared classic book each session. Through individual reading, club discussions and sharing of reading inspirations, members will engage in meaningful and thoughtful exchanges of ideas. Cultivating a reading habit will help to promote cognition, enhance your knowledge, and foster flexible thinking.

reading club