Engaging with SVI:
A Streamlined Process for Partnership

initial consultation

1. Initial Consultation

Reach out to us through our website, email, or phone to schedule a preliminary discussion. Here, we’ll explore your needs and how SVI can support your goals.

requirements analysis

2. Requirements Analysis

Our team will work with you to thoroughly understand your project requirements and specific challenges.

proposal and plan

3. Proposal and Plan

Based on the initial analysis, SVI will craft a tailored proposal, including service scope, timelines, and cost estimates, ensuring our solutions align with your objectives.

partnership agreement

4. Partnership Agreement

Upon agreement on the proposal, we’ll formalize our partnership through a service agreement, outlining responsibilities, deliverables, and terms.

project kick off

5. Project Kick-off

With the agreement in place, your dedicated SVI team will have a kick-off meeting with you to initiate the project, keeping you informed and engaged at every step of the journey.

communication and support

6. Ongoing Support and Communication

Throughout our partnership, SVI ensures transparent, continuous communication and support, adapting to your evolving needs and ensuring your success.

Get in Touch

Send us a message, we’ll get back to you within 24 business hours.

Get in Touch

Send us a message, we’ll get back to you within 24 business hours.


Reading Club

The goal of SVl Reading Club is to READ, THINK, and ENJOY. 

Club members will explore a shared classic book each session. Through individual reading, club discussions and sharing of reading inspirations, members will engage in meaningful and thoughtful exchanges of ideas. Cultivating a reading habit will help to promote cognition, enhance your knowledge, and foster flexible thinking.

reading club